Craft Room Tour | Behind the Scenes

Haven't you always wanted to see the real place people work in.Me too!!! It's not the fanciest but oh my word does this room work! It's my sanctuary, my inspiration, my quiet, my party, and my celebration space.
Almost everything I make I make in this room. Take a look around, view the products, the set up, the practice pieces and the mess. Yes, the mess. No room is perfect, and I don't want the illusion of being perfect. This is the real way I work! Take some inspiration for yourself. Leave a comment with a picture of your room and let’s have some fun!
It all started with a few rugs I made for myself and put in my bathroom. (I have 3 bathrooms). Then we thru a Grey Cup party and many of our guests threatened to steal the rugs. They were very serious! So, I got to thinking if my friends were willing to steal the rugs, perhaps they would be willing to pay. And they were! Many of my relatives and friends are now the proud owners of my creations.
Not long after that I had a major surgery. Like a life altering holy man was I sick kind of problem and I wasn't sure I was every going to be able to work at my day job. Sew I sewed, and I learned, and I sewed some more Farmhouse DIY Projects, then I learned how to make something else. And now 2 years later I have my handcrafted farmhouse decor in multiple stores, farmers markets and online.
Check out my website for more details of locations. I now teach, sell, design, promote and offer free tutorials and FREE Resources for others to start their own handcrafted home DIY decor business.
Steal my ideas...that's what the videos are for. And by steal, I mean don't copy exactly but grab something from each idea and do it in a different color! I also own original digital art files which you can also download and make your own - obviously I posted a tutorial for this as well!
Check it out at
Every click, like, share and follow is helping me build my business. I thank you all!!! Seriously if you don't know how it works every time you tell Youtube that you are interested in some small way by liking, commenting or subscribing Youtube will show my videos to more people - it's that simple.
Based in Calgary Alberta Canada - reach out! Follow me to a local Farmers Market and be sure to introduce yourself. Or if you have a color request for your very own Farmhouse Jellyroll Rug, I will handcraft you one to match your decor. Custom created orders must be prepaid. :)
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© Home Stitchery Decor 2021