5 Etsy Hacks | Increase Sales on Digital Products

Hey Cheerleaders! Here's 5 ways to increase your sales on ETSY with Digital Products. I used Cricut to make these Mandala's. Find more Farmhouse Decor Tutorials, Shop Online or Follow me to a local Farmers Market. Home Stitchery Decor specializes in Handcrafted Home Decor with a farmhouse flair.
All wonderful people of YouTube watching my videos, subscribing and leaving comments. I used to call you followers - but that's not really what's happening is it! Nope; you are all cheering me on.
Thank you all so much for Subscribing, liking and commenting on my videos! Small business is hard, and you are literally bringing my dreams to life by participating in my channel and I want to thank you for your time! It means the world to me.
Home Stitchery Decor - Jolene, that's me! I'm back with another video featuring tips and tricks you can use to increase your digital product sales with Etsy!
Yes, I have my own website and if you haven't been there yet please check it out...
https://www.homestitcherydecor.com There you will find FREE RESOURCES! You can shop online, or find out which local stores and Farmers Markets I have products in. I am designing more Farmhouse Decor and teaching you with videos, patterns and downloads you can use to create your own handmade business.
So enough about my website... Etsy has an insane amount of traffic to their platform. They make it super easy to list your products and with one click ads they will promote your products to their users. So why not use their platform, experience and algorithm to promote yourself, your products and your patterns...yes you should make some patterns.
In this video I'm highlighting some recent changes and tricks I have been using to increase my daily sales for my digital products. Take some time to watch the entire video as this one is a jammed packed tutorial! It's says 5 tips; but I bet there are 25 different tips I am giving you to help increase your traffic to your handmade business. I'm working less and making more money using these exact steps!
And I'm going to create a FREE CHECKLIST which you will be able to download over on my website! It will be under FREE RESOURCES section along with other FREE RESOURCES you are welcome to download to help you succeed with your Handmade Business.
Here is a link to some other videos on my channel featured in this video...have a look!
Mandala Tutorial
Craft Room Tour
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Website https://www.homestitcherydecor.com
Disclaimer – Home Stitchery Decor uses Affiliate Links in the making of the products and media. If you choose to purchase something thru a link we may or may not receive a commission, at no additional cost to you. It’s an additional way for us to get paid and we are very grateful for the opportunity to recommend great products used by Home Stitchery Decor. We accept no responsibility for issues from purchases. We don’t handle transactions and we don’t store purchase details.
© Home Stitchery Decor 2021
Do you have an idea for me? I'd love to hear about it. Head over to my website and send me an email in the contact section. Perhaps a product you think I could make, perhaps you know a business I should collaborate with. Or maybe you have a snack product you think I could feature in my Half-Time Snack-Time Report - a feature in my crafting videos.