Soup Bowl Cozy Sewing Kit in 10 Easy Steps.
Follow along with the Blog or purchase your own kit and learn to sew at home.
Before you start read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post.
Purchase your kit here
Fun and easy tested instructions will have you sewing in no time.
This blog will cover all the basics and provide links for the sewing tools you may want to purchase to make sewing easy.
My kit includes
100% Precut Cotton Quilting Fabric
Gütermann Cotton Thread
Pellon Pre Cut Wrap and Zap Batting
1 Set of Chop Sticks
A printed copy of instructions.

Once you open your kit up read thru the instructions so you have a good idea of each step. You will need sewing pins if you don't have some around the house.
Click on the highlighted text to purchase.
And a sewing machine.
I personally use a Singer Heavy Duty for this project. If you are just getting started in sewing pick something in your budget and watch some YouTube Videos on how to get started. Sewing is a fun project that you can learn over time, take your time and enjoy the process.
I also recommend a simple Rotary Cutter, Mat and Ruler
No need to get to fancy but if you start with the basics you will find this hobby is much more enjoyable.
If you don't have your own set of sewing scissors yet try these Fiskars. They last forever and have great quality for the price.
Now that you have the basic sewing supplies to get started and have purchased your Soup Bowl Kit lets get started.
- Step One - Place one piece of fabric on top of the batting and sew an X from one corner to the other. You can use a decorative stitch, a straight stitch or a zig-zag. Repeat this with the second piece of fabric and batting.

- Step 3 - Now you need to sew up the darts. Fold the fabric and line it up edge to edge. Make sure the inside cotton fabric is laying completely flat and there are no puckers in it. Sew a dart, make sure you back-stitch. Sewing a dart is easy. Start from edge of the fabric 1/4 inch above where the opening is. Back-stitch a few stitches and then start sewing on an angle catching all the fabric top and bottom. Voila - you have sewn a dart. Once you have sewn all 4 of the darts open up your project and make sure you didn't miss any cotton fabric on the inside. If you did re-sew the dart by taking a bigger pass - thus grabbing more of the inside fabric. If you missed laying the fabric flat and now have a pucker or fold in the cotton take out the stitches of the dart using what us sewers like to refer to as Jack The Ripper - a seam ripper and re-sew it.
- Step 4 - Place one set of fabric on top of the other right sides together and start lining everything up on the edges.

- Step 5 - Once you have the edges all lined up Pin around the circumference. Match the darts up. I like to use different colored pins in this step to remind me where not to sew. Leave an opening so you will be able to turn your project right side out. I find it's easiest to leave the opening just past the dart and not all the way to the corner. If you leave the opening where the dart is sometimes you pull the dart stitches out when you go to turn you bowl the right side out.
- Step 6 - Sew your bowl all the way around. Leaving an opening to turn the bowl. If you sew over the dart in this step it won't rip out in the next step.

- Step 7 - You're doing great! It's time to turn your bowl right side out. Just like a sock start pushing fabric from a corner thru the opening. Because this is such a bulky project it doesn't work that great to start on the opposite corner so pick a closer one and it will turn easier for you. Once you have it turned, use one of the included chop sticks to push the edges out. Especially the corners.
- Step 8 - Now we need to get this ready to iron. So fold in the opening and use your fingers to make a crease in the fabric so it stays.

- Step 9 - Holy Moly you are sew close!!! Iron all around the edges, use some steam if you need too and get that fabric to flatten down.
- Step 10 - Sew slow on this step as there is a lot of material for your machine to stitch thru. Now sew all around the edge one more time. This is called a top-stitch. I recommend just straight stitch for this step as it gives the bowl a really professional look. And you want that opening to be stitched with no chance of an edge being missed or folding up as you sew.

That's it! You did it.
I would love to hear how this project went for you! Grab your camera and let's inspire one another to improve.
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Never Leave a Soup Bowl in the Microwave unattended.
Use only 100% Cotton Fabric.
Use 100% Cotton Thread
Use only Pellon Wrap and Zap Batting
Do not use any form of batting that contains scrim.
Use maximum of two layers of Wrap and Zap Batting
Never heat the cozy alone.
Heat for a max 6 minutes. One Minute at a time.
Not Safe for Use in Convection/Microwave Ovens
To the fullest extent of the law we are not responsible for misuse no matter the reason.
© Home Stitchery Decor 2021
All Right Reserved
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